Winamp Control from Launchy

I'm a big fan of the Launchy keystroke launcher, and have used f0vela's iTuny plugin for controlling iTunes intermittently for a while. One thing that bugged me with iTuny was that the playlists always seemed to be in reverse track order. That is, if I asked iTuny to queue up …

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GreaseMonkey tweaks for

I'm starting to like the cleaner interface of No application spam, few/no ads, etc. And I'd used some other folks' GreaseMonkey userscripts to unclutter or otherwise tweak regular Facebook. But aside from a bit of horizontal scrolling, the lite interface was a good fit for my …
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2009 Honda Fit Interior Bike Rack


So in mid-August, we traded in our 1995-ish Ford Ranger (rated 18 mpg) for a 2009 Honda Fit (rated 29 mpg). It made me sad, but the transmission was likely to go out in the next year, and there was no way we'd get $4500 for it any other …

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